As I came into this world Alan was leaving Belfast to start on his life adventures. The large age gap didn’t stop him being an amazing big brother. He persuaded our mother to give me Linda as a middle name and from then on it was always Alan and Linda. Holidays home brought wrestling matches, ear flicking and constant teasing but also presents, sweets and endless board games. He was my constant and my safe point. I studied at Liverpool to be near to him; we relocated back to Chester, when pregnant with my first child, to be near to him. He could be fiercely competitive, brutally honest at times, sarcastic and loved nothing more than getting everyone together, starting an argument and then walking away- but he was always there to listen, love and support. As an uncle he introduced my children to everything from football to Progrock, Wilko Pic N mix to horse race betting. Every application to Uni or science dissertation or lab project had to be run past him to tear apart, mock and amend, even in the final months having chemotherapy. And through it all, there was always a snapshot of the various biscuits available at the hospital. He was brave and I will miss him terribly. His passing has left a huge ache in my heart but his memory, an even bigger smile on my face.